Climate Investments Map
Welcome to the Land of 10,000 Climate Solutions
Welcome to the Land of 10,000 Climate Solutions
With the passage of the IRA and IIJA, as well as the landmark 2023-24 legislative biennium in Minnesota, over $4,000,000,000 is moving into the state of Minnesota to fund real climate solutions.
But all this money is more than lines in a spreadsheet, it represents huge, positive impacts on people and communities across our state. How do we get beyond the big $180 billion dollar number of the IRA and see where the money is going, and how it’s impacting our communities?
This map is our way of answering that question. As the data comes it, we will update the map with projects, news, images, and numbers about where climate investments are happening.
Questions? Something you’d like us to add? Email Ashley Fairbanks at
Trouble navigating below? View the map standalone here.